Motorola PMPN4527A
The Motorola PMPN4527A is a single unit charger that has IMPRES 2 technology and allows radio batteries to be charged up to 40% faster. The PMPN4527A is the charger base only and does not include the power supply.
The power supply for the PMPN4527A is the 25009297001 and can be found here:
USA Plug found here:
EU Plug found here:
The charger bundle (base and power supply) is found here:
The PMPN4527A is the replacement model for the PMPN4137A and WPLN4226A.
The PMPN4527A is compatible with these Motorola portable two way radios: XPR3300, XPR3300E, XPR3500, XPR3500E, XPR6100, XPR6350, XPR6380, XPR6550, XPR6580, XPR6580IS, XPR7350, XPR7350E, XPR7380, XPR7380E, XPR7550, XPR7550E, XPR7550IS, XPR7580, XPR7580E, XPR7580EIS, APX1000, APX1000I, APX2000, APX3000, APX4000, APX4000XH, APX900, DGP8550E, DP4801E , XIRP8668, DEP550E, DEP570E, DP2400E and DP2600E.
The Motorola part numbers for each region that pertain to the PMPN4527A charger.
PMPN4527 Base only
*1-year warranty on this charger.